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Impact News +++ ImmunityBio Shares Down on Plans for Public Offering (MarketWatch) +++ IMMUNITYBIO Aktie -3,89%

Milch News

Milch ist ein Nahrungsmittel, welches im großen Maßstab überwiegend von der Kuh gemolken wird. Aus der Weiterverarbeitung von Milch entstehen folgende Produkte: Käse, Quark, Joghurt, Butter und Sahne. Die weltweit größten Produzentenländer sind die USA, Indien, China, Brasilien und Deutschland. Milch wird an der Terminbörse in Chicago (CME) gehandelt.
09.12.24 - 16:18
Milchpreise: gute Aussichten für 2025 – Rohstoffpreise auf Allzeithoch #erzeugermilchpreis #milch (Agrarheute)
Der Milchmarkt kämpft mit Knappheit und Rekordpreisen - gut für Milcherzeuger. Wie sieht es 2025 aus?...
09.12.24 - 15:06
Dieses Land lässt Milch auf Vogelgrippe testen #landwirtschaft #geflügel (Agrarheute)
700 Milchviehbetriebe in den USA sind betroffen. Rohmilch wird nun auf Vogelgrippe getestet. Was steckt dahinter?...
09.12.24 - 11:18
Landwirt verkauft im Hofladen Fleisch und Milch – Finanzamt will Gewerbesteuer #recht (Agrarheute)
Wann ist ein auf dem Bauernhof befindlicher Hofladen ein Gewerbebetrieb? Und wann sind die Handelsgeschäft Teil des landwirtschaft...
09.12.24 - 05:30
Klimaschonende Milch: Ein neues Mittel lässt Kühe weniger rülpsen – wollen die Konsumenten diese Milch? (Tagesanzeiger)
In Grossbritannien wurde erstmals im grossen Stil klimaschonende Milch verkauft. Das sorgt für Ärger. In der Schweiz sind die Hoffnungen auf den Futterzusatz hingegen gross....
09.12.24 - 05:06
Milch: Schülerin verklagt US-Landwirtschaftsministerium - und verliert #milchverkaufen #usda (Agrarheute)
Eine vegane Schülerin sah sich zensiert, weil sie nicht unwidersprochen Milch kritisieren durfte....
08.12.24 - 01:00
USDA Orders Raw Milk Testing Under Guise Of Bird Flu Amid War On Small Farms (ZeroHedge)
USDA Orders Raw Milk Testing Under Guise Of Bird Flu Amid War On Small Farms Nationwide demand for raw milk has never been higher, as out-of-control bureaucrats in their ivory towers in Washington, DC, exploit bird flu outbreaks in dairy herds to financially crush small farms while ensuring that large-scale farms owned by mega corporations, which produce questionable/unhealthy food (hence America's obesity crisis), remain in control of the nation's food supply chain.  The latest overreach in the war on raw milk comes as the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) ordered dairy farmers to work with the federal agency to test for bird flu (H5N1).  On Friday, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack wrote in a statement, "This new milk testing strategy will build on those steps to date and will provide a roadmap for states to protect the health of their dairy herds."  "Among many outcomes, this will give farmers and farmworkers better confidence in the safety of their animals and ability to protect themsel...
07.12.24 - 04:54
USDA orders nationwide testing of milk for bird flu to halt the virus (MarketWatch)
Um den gesamten Artikel unter zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte auf die Überschrift...
06.12.24 - 21:30
Agriculture Department orders testing of the nation€s milk supply for bird flu (AP)
Agriculture Department orders testing of the nation's milk supply for bird flu...
06.12.24 - 07:54
Raw milk CEO whose products have been recalled may lead US raw milk policy (The Guardian)
Mark McAfee, whose products have been repeatedly contaminated with bird flu, asked by RJK Jr to apply for jobMark McAfee, a California raw milk producer whose products have been recalled several times recently due to bird flu contamination, said he has been approached by Robert F Kennedy Jr's team to guide the upcoming administration on raw milk policy.McAfee, whose dairy products were recalled after state officials detected bird flu virus in milk samples, said that the transition team for Kennedy, the nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, asked him to apply for a position advising on raw milk policy and standards development. The idea, he told the Guardian, would be to create a “raw milk ordinance”, mirroring the existing federal “standard milk ordinance”. Continue reading......
04.12.24 - 23:08
Fonterra Raises Midpoint Of 2024/25 Season Forecast Farmgate Milk Price (Reuters EN)
BRIEF-Fonterra Raises Midpoint Of 2024/25 Season Forecast Farmgate Milk Price Dec 5 (Reuters) - Fonterra Co-Operative Group Ltd FCG.NZ : RAISED MIDPOINT OF 2024/25 SEASON FORECAST FARMGATE MILK PRICE BY 50 NZ CENTS TO NZ$10.00 PER KGMS Further company coverage: FCG.NZ...
04.12.24 - 21:19
NZ′s Fonterra reports lower Q1 profit; raises milk price outlook on strong demand (Reuters EN)
UPDATE 1-NZ's Fonterra reports lower Q1 profit; raises milk price outlook on strong demand Updates with further details on results, CEO quote Dec 5 (Reuters) - Fonterra Co-operative FCG.NZ reported a lower first-quarter profit after tax on Thursday, due to impacts from lower sales volume and higher milk prices, while raising its milk price outlook for the 2024/25 season on the back of sustained demand....
04.12.24 - 18:06
Raw milk recall in California expands after tests detect more bird flu virus (AP)
A California farm has expanded a recall of raw milk sold in stores and has halted production...
02.12.24 - 22:01
USDA defeats student′s challenge to milk marketing (Reuters EN)
UPDATE 1-USDA defeats student's challenge to milk marketing High school senior opposed cow's milk in school lunches Student said USDA, Los Angeles schools censored her speech Judge found no specific threat of harm Adds interview with lawyer, details from court papers, paragraphs 3-4, 9-10 By Jonathan Stempel Dec 2 (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Agriculture won the dismissal of a lawsuit by a student who said her First Amendment rights were violated because she could not freely criticize the...
01.12.24 - 05:00
Zu wenig Kühe: Deshalb wird nun Milch aus diesen Tieren gemacht #indonesien #fisch (Agrarheute)
Weil es in diesem Land viel zu wenig Kühe gibt, wird nun Milch aus anderen Tieren produziert. Diese werden zu Pulver zermahlen....
30.11.24 - 04:54
Ist Milch gesund? Oder macht sie krank? Fünf Milchmythen aufgedeckt #ernährung #kuhmilch (Agrarheute)
Macht Milch Pickel, Krebs oder sogar Osteoporose? Wir klären fünf Milchmythen auf – und zeigen, was wirklich stimmt....
26.11.24 - 21:25
Bird Flu Detected In Retail Raw Milk Sample In California (AFX)
WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - The California Department of Public Health announced that the avian flu virus was detected in the retail sample of raw milk from a California-based dairy farm.The impacted s......
25.11.24 - 21:30
Raw milk from a California dairy is recalled after routine testing detected the bird flu virus (AP)
State health officials say the bird flu virus was detected in a retail sample of raw milk from a dairy in Fresno, California...
24.11.24 - 23:31
Citi optimistic on a2 Milk′s FY25 outlook, raises PT for listed shares (Reuters EN)
BUZZ-Citi optimistic on a2 Milk's FY25 outlook, raises PT for ASX-listed shares ** Analysts at Citi raise PT for ASX-listed shares of a2 Milk A2M.AX by 2% to A$7.15; reiterate "Buy" rating ** Brokerage forecasts 7% FY25 revenue growth, up from 5.6%, to reflect the dairy giant's raised FY25 revenue forecast ** Brokerage raises FY25 NPAT estimate by...
24.11.24 - 21:14
New Zealand′s Synlait Milk hikes 2024/25 milk price forecast (Reuters EN)
New Zealand's Synlait Milk hikes 2024/25 milk price forecast Nov 25 (Reuters) - New Zealand's Synlait Milk SML.NZ raised its base milk price forecast for the 2024/25 season on Monday, as global commodities prices continue to strengthen. The company said it now expects the base milk price for the 2024/25 season to be NZ$9.50 ($5.55) per kg of milk solids (kgMS), up from its previous projection of NZ$9.00 per kgMS....
23.11.24 - 05:06
China: Viel Milch aus staatlichen Megafarmen #china #milch (Agrarheute)
Bei der Milchproduktion drücken die Chinesen aufs Gas und setzen in der Haltung auf Qualität....
>Zitat des Tages: Höre, mein Sohn, und sei weise. Lenk dein Herz auf geraden Weg! Gesell dich nicht zu den Weinsäufern, zu solchen, die im Fleischgenuß schlemmen; denn Säufer und Schlemmer werden arm. - Altes Testament: Spruch
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