23.11.24 - 09:24
Spain′s floods force some UK sellers to buy oranges from southern hemisphere (The Guardian)
British suppliers source from South Africa and South America as Spanish farmers struggle to harvest and shipSome British retailers and wholesalers have been forced to switch to sourcing oranges from South Africa and South America early after last month's “catastrophic” floods in eastern Spain left farmers struggling to harvest and ship their crops.Companies in the UK have moved to buying fruit from the southern hemisphere several weeks earlier than in a typical year to prevent gaps emerging on supermarket shelves and amid fears over the quality of Spanish produce. Continue reading......
16.10.24 - 14:20
Orange Juice Prices Near Record Highs Amid Fears Of Worst Florida Harvest In A Century (ZeroHedge)
Orange Juice Prices Near Record Highs Amid Fears Of Worst Florida Harvest In A Century
Frozen concentrated orange juice futures on the Intercontinental Exchange in New York are nearing new record highs. The squeeze in the physical markets may drastically worsen after a new citrus grove survey damage report across Florida following Hurricane Milton shows widespread damage.
Industry consultant Judy Ganes told Bloomberg that more than three million boxes of oranges may have been lost after Milton knocked fruit from branches and devastated citrus groves in the Sunshine State. She warned the next Florida harvest could be the worst since the late 1920s.
In recent years, Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, freezing conditions, and citrus greening disease have decimated citrus groves in the state. Milton has only exacerbated those problems. Some of the latest industry figures show that US orange production is set to reach its lowest level in more than a century.
OJ futures have surged to $5/lb, a st...
19.09.24 - 10:24
Freie Wähler in Brandenburg: Döner mit Orangen (Spiegel)
In Umfragen liegen die Freien Wähler in Brandenburg unter fünf Prozent. Mit schrägen Aktionen kämpft ihr Spitzenmann um ein Direktmandat. Damit würden sie trotzdem ins Parlament einziehen. Regieren sie am Ende sogar mit?...
31.07.24 - 12:13
Why orange juice futures hit records and prices may even go higher (CNBC)
Citrus growers are losing millions of dollars every year as U.S. orange production plummets amid extreme weather events, incurable citrus greening disease and inflationary pressure. In 2024, orange juice futures hit records and prices may even go higher. The problems plaguing global citrus production are not easily remedied, but experts are hopeful investment in innovations can help save U.S. citrus groves....
31.07.24 - 12:06
Why orange juice is so expensive (CNBC)
Orange juice futures are hitting records as growers lose millions of dollars annually. U.S. citrus production is plummeting amid weather and disease extremes....
13.06.24 - 14:25
Verbraucher trinken weniger Saft - deutlich höhere Preise (DPA-AFX)
BONN (dpa-AFX) - Die Menschen in Deutschland trinken weniger Fruchtsaft und -nektar. Der Pro-Kopf-Konsum lag 2023 bei 26 Litern und damit 2 Liter niedriger als im Vorjahr. Das teilte der Verband der deutschen Fruchtsaft-Industrie (VdF) am Donnerstag mit. ......